from the Balkan photography
The world's seas and oceans suffer from immense pressures and undergo rapid changes affecting humans and marine ecosystems in unimaginable ways. Plastic pollution, unregulated coastal development, excessive tourism, depleted fish stocks and the climate crisis, are critical threats to our future. LIFE IN BETWEEN explores the interface of man and the sea world with a focus on the Mediterranean and the impact of human activities on the marine and coastal environment in 4 countries: Albania, Greece, Tunisia, and Turkey.
Extract from her interview - "You know, I am a romantic. I love beautiful things and travel and such. I came on a boat, I was a sailor. And I found this place, I don’t know how. I guess it was meant to be. I can sing and dance, I was a singer and a dancer. I didn’t have a degree in beach conservation or anything. But, you see, I have a heart! Our beach was untouched when I first came here. You know what happens to coasts around the world these days. They get developed. Roads come and more buildings. It’s part of my purpose in life, the protection of this beach together with other people. One person alone couldn’t have done it. But I shouted, I spoke, I said…. And what happened? They began to listen. Oh, love. A lot of things wouldn’t have happened without love." June Haimoff, July 2021, Dalyan Turkey My Name Is Blue Documentary (created by Mind The Bump Productions, Directed by Bastian Fischer and myself). To my knowledge, this is the last interview she gave before her passing the following year. 2020- ongoing, © Vicky Markolefa Vicky Markolefa is a documentary producer, photographer and communication expert based in Greece and Germany. Since 2006, she has worked independently and with organizations in over 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, the MENA region, and Central America. Her portfolio features partnerships with leading brands, media, agencies and institutions (United Nations, European Commission, WWF, Medecins Sans Frontieres, CNN, Euronews, Bloomberg, Google). Her projects have received recognition at awards, festivals, and exhibitions worldwide. In 2016, she co-founded the awarded production house Mind The Bump Productions. In 2018, she joined BULB Photos / Balkan Collective and in 2020 she became a mentor at the Women On Top organisation. Since 2021, she curates WomenPhotoGR the first online community in Greece dedicated to embracing the female perspective and the art photography online magazine WZINE. Comments are closed.