Cristina-Mina Dalea

I am in love with photography. It wasn’t love at first sight! It was a love that grew, the more I was finding myself in the photos I was taking! It is a love that has grown and is still growing along with each new discovery. Starting with the touristic photos taken in my holidays, to the first school of photography that gave me a framework, to the second one Scoala de Poetica fotografica “Francisc Mraz” that helped me see photography as the esthetic expression of diverse atmospheres, profound beauty and sensibility,
I got eventually to discover myself and the people around me. What is my photography about? People. Portraits of inner worlds captured on anonymous people faces, worlds they were not aware they had inside .The excitement of connecting with people through photography, the power to change the real to surreal and the creation of emotions are the reasons I am today a photographer. This love is here to stay!
I got eventually to discover myself and the people around me. What is my photography about? People. Portraits of inner worlds captured on anonymous people faces, worlds they were not aware they had inside .The excitement of connecting with people through photography, the power to change the real to surreal and the creation of emotions are the reasons I am today a photographer. This love is here to stay!